By adjusting your Settings, you can change your user account within the Milkymap platform to your liking.

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Access your Account & Personal Settings

In your Account Settings, you can adjust two contact settings by switching them on and off. You can access your Account Settings by the top navigation bar

  1. Click your name in the top navigation bar.

  2. This will open a dropdown menu in which you should click ‘Settings’

  3. This will take you to the Settings page in Milkymap, in which you can adjust your Account Settings and Personal Settings.

The top navigation bar will not be available to you when viewing or editing your CX Life Cycle Model or when presenting or editing your Milkymaps. Leave this page first to access your top navigation bar

Changing your Account Settings

Once you’re on the Settings page, changing your Account Settings is simple:

Simply move the toggle to switch email notifications and newsletters on or off. Purple means activated, grey means notifications and/or newsletters are switched off.

Changing your Personal Settings

You can adjust your Personal Settings below your Account Settings. In your Personal Settings, you can view the following information and change it:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company Email Address - By changing this Email Address, any emails related to Sharing will be sent to a different inbox.

Changing your Company Email Address will also impact your login credentials. After you’ve changed it in this field, you’ll need to use this Email Address to log into the Milkymap Platform.

  • Company Name - This field can not be edited by a user or an admin, as it is linked to the creation of your account.

    All the personal information mentioned above is already in your account once you start using the platform. Phone Number and Profile Picture are optional, you can add them to your account if you feel like it.

  • Phone Number - You can add a phone number to your account here.

  • Upload Profile Picture - In this field, you can add a profile picture for your account. The default picture for every account is the Milkymap logo, but changing it to a personal picture will make you more recognizable to the other users in your organisation. You can upload either .jpg or .png files as your profile picture.

  1. Press the ‘Choose Image’ button

  2. Press ‘Click to Select Image’ to select an image from your files or drop an image in the ‘Drop Image’ field

  3. Check the Preview to make sure it looks alright

  4. Click ‘Save Changes’ if you’re satisfied, or click ‘Cancel’ if you want to dismiss your adjustments.